Friday, May 31, 2013

ET Phone Home

We drove the Extraterrestial Highway, stopping at Rachel, NV for lunch.  The ET Highway goes through an area in Nevada where Nellis Air Force Range is located.  The land adjacent to the highway is referred to as Area 51.  Historically, there have been several 'alleged' unidentified object sightings and alien abductions.  We were unable to see the military base from the ET Highway by Groom Lake.  There are thousands of stories and a great bit of mystery surrounding this area in Nevada.  The short version is that the Federal Government has tried for years to cover up the fact that we (the U.S. Government) have in our possession the actual bodies of aliens and their ships.  You could say Jerry and I are "into the possibilities," and we have watched a number of documentaries supporting that Area 51 is one of many locations around the world where alien ships and aliens have been sighted. 

Whether you believe or not, a day's drive on the ET Highway is a great time to consider the possibilities for fun.  When we turned onto the highway, this replica of an alien in full silver suit was the first thing we saw.

Those few - and I do mean few - who live along the highway have joined the spirit of possibilities that we are not the only beings in this or other universes. 

Let's just suppose for a minute that aliens do exist, and chose this stretch of highway to "study us" through abduction.  Said aliens would have a very slim choice of humans.  The ET Highway at 100 miles has at most 20 people who live along the road.  The town of Rachel, NV is about 50 miles from Junction 93 where you turn on the ET Highway.  There is a very small motel and restaurant / bar in Rachel, and there are maybe two houses.  The population sign entering Rachel says, "Population: People - yes, Aliens - ?" 

Rachel, Nevada
The front of the restaurant sports this late '40's truck with a very small spaceship hanging from the crane.  We had a great sandwich at the restaurant and spent time looking at the picture documentation of alien sightings from all over the western hemisphere.  Of the two people who work in the restaurant, we were unable to confirm either had ever had an alien encounter.

We continued on the ET Highway headed west.  We saw few cars on the road, and fewer houses.  The mountains in front of us seemed to move further away from us as we drove.  The ET Highway went on forever.

Extraterrestial Highway, Area 51, Nevada
Given the landscape of open space, few humans, and the haze of sun that seemed to hang over the entire landscape, it wasn't hard to believe the imagination could take charge.   Although we weren't on the ET Highway at night, we imagined the total darkness and clear skies and possibly a spaceship or two in the night skies.

Our journey on the ET Highway ended at Highway 6 where we headed west toward a town called Tonopah, NV, and old mining town, which is just east of the California boarder.  We spent a quiet night in the parking lot of the Banc Casino. 

The next morning, up early, we headed for Yosemite National Park.  Our entry to CA was marked by an amazing line of mountains.  Yes, that's snow.  As we turned north off Highway 6 onto north 395, we found ourselves in the Mono Basin.

The Basin, and Mono Lake, is an area formed from volcanic eruptions millions of years ago.  The area is full of pumice and obsidian.  The lake bottom has tufu spires, some of which top the water surface.  The lake has many natural springs that go into it, but none that go out.  Water levels do go down due to evaporation.  The water is 7 times more salty and alkaline than the ocean. 

Mono Lake
We stopped for the night in a small campground in Lee Vining, CA.  The campground is literally snuggled up next to a mountain, and our campsite looks out over Lake Mono.  A short walk to town for supper will be the highlight of the evening.  Then an early start to head for Yosemite National Park.  Although we do not plan to stay in the park, we want to have plenty of time to explore and take our time before heading further west to San Jose, CA.

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