Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Last Night in Flamingo

I really don't want to leave Flamingo.  There's something to be said for waking up naturally (no alarm) and meandering through a day with few plans.  There's always  plenty to do.  It's having a choice that is the big deal.  I imagine we will experience several locations like this along the way, and we will probably experience some that we will want to leave right away.  We spent this day walking, playing with the computers to download pictures, packing and cleaning.  We spent the afternoon preparing supper and the evening enjoying supper and more time with dear friends Jo and Bill.  Crab cakes, boiled shrimp, rice pilaf and cauliflower salad plus odds and ends for supper.  Good conversation and plans to get together in the Keys.  How blessed we are!

Tomorrow we head for Tavernier just south of Key Largo.  We will be staying on the Gulf side at the Elks.  This is a very different location than the Everglades.  The Keys don't really have natural beaches, but this location has a "sort of beach.". We'll have a full view of the Gulf, and it's more populated.  The dory will be launched in salt water this week, and Maci will get to play in the water free of alligators and crocodiles.  As sonars we get settled in Tavernier, I will post pictures when I have a good Internet connection.

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