Saturday, March 2, 2013

Day 2 at Midway Campground in Big Cypress National Park

This picture of Maci represents the level of activity on day two at Midway Campground.  We promised ourselves at least two days of rest when we got here... mission accomplished.  Coffee at our leisure first thing this a.m., a brisk walk around the campground (steering clear of the pond and the resident alligator), time to talk while sitting in the sun, lunch, naps, etc.  We were only going to stay a couple of days, but we changed our minds and will be here through next Saturday, March 9th.  No TV and very unreliable Internet...  a more powerful antenna has been ordered during the brief time we had a connection today.

Some may say, "What?  No TV ?"  When we left Elkhart, we decided not to subscribe to satellite TV just to see how things went even though we have an in-motion satellite dome on the roof of the Whale.  We usually can get the local stations which gives us news and some entertainment, even though marginal at times.  Since we got to Midway, nothing.  I admit to experiencing just a bit of withdrawal but have other things to do for sure.

Last night we attended a seminar in the clearing in the woods.  I had to laugh as we walked into the clearing -  a high tech presentation complete with computer, camera, wide screen and a campfire.  The rangers get to pick their own topics.  This particular ranger is an expert on the Seminole Wars in south Florida.  The thing about going places we've never been before is we get to hear about things we did not know much about - if we are just open enough to listen.  Clearly, the ranger was "into it."  I'll spare you the historical details other than there were apparently three Seminole wars.  The Seminoles were experts at guerrilla warfare as their location of choice has been the swamps in southern Florida.  The Spaniards, French, Brittish, and anyone else who tried to subdue them could not.  The Seminoles were uninterested in peace treaties and trading with the white man.  Until Florida became a state and seceded from the Union, the Seminoles won so to speak  and were known for any number of ambushes.  The ranger  spoke of the tribe's tenacity with a great deal of respect.

Over the next week we plan to attend a couple of swamp walks.  No, Maci will not be going with us since pets "disturb the ecosystem."  Besides that, I know she looks like supper to an alligator, and we are taking no chances.

In addition, we picked up a couple of books at the ranger station - The Swamp and The Everglades A River of Grass.  Wherever we are, we need to learn something about the area.  Apparently, south Florida is somewhat of an anomaly as ecosystems go, and the impact of humans trying to alter what has developed since prehistoric times has not been positive.  That does sound like a reoccurring theme with humans.

One of the best things about this journey is one new experience after another.  It doesn't seem to matter what the "Wow factor" is.  More soon...

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