Sunday, December 2, 2012

Trading Pine Trees for Palm Trees

Home sweet home in Naples
We made it to Naples Friday afternoon with enough daylight to set up, enjoy some time in the afternoon sun by the channel and find supper.  We are set up in Imperial Wilderness, a retirement community on the south end of Naples.  It's very quiet and folks are very welcoming.  We've spent some time talking with the neighbors to get the lay of the land... not that it's difficult to get around.  We just have to know where  NOT to take the dog.  The park is full of people, and we have to remember not all are dog lovers. I have to say Maci seems to get that.  After a few restricted attempts to get her to "go" in a particular spot, she is now with the game plan.  Smart dog.

I have to admit, Naples was not the wilderness for exploration I envisioned for our first winter, but medical necessity caused us to re-route.  This will be the perfect place for my knee replacement - the doctors here have had a  lot of practice.  Both warm weather and the quiet will be helpful to heal, and we should be ready to hike in earnest by April.

Meantime we plan to explore this location just like we do others.  We are also fortunate to spend time with dear friends Pat and Tim who live in this area.   They live on a channel that winds out to the Gulf.  Tim and Jerry have plans to fish.  Pat and I have plans to do many different things once I'm more mobile.  It's all good.

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