Saturday, November 24, 2012

South on 65

While riding on long drives, it's a great time to play with my new technology. Posts, emails, and face time have all become so much more accessible from my new mini iPad which I love, love, love!!! Of course the mini had to have an ap installed before posts would go through. Now it's good to go. I wonder if there will be a time we need an ap to eat, sleep or breath?...

Yesterday was the perfect end to the holiday week-end. We got to spend time with nieces Deb and Susan, great-nieces Rebekka and Rachael, and sister-in-law Shirley. Since Deb is from Texas and Susan is from Oklahoma, visits have been few and far between. They've grown to be strong young women (Shirley can be proud), and the little ones are just darling! It was a great visit!

Fortunately, as we started out this a.m. the wind, which dogged us all the way to Indy yesterday, has quieted down. Driving the Whale in high wind is slow going. Now we have calm wind and clear skies. Our destination for tonight is Nashville, TN. Hopefully there will be a good enough tv signal to watch the ND game.

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