Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Resuming the Journey

After a two month stop in Elkhart, we have resumed our travels.  It's always bittersweet to leave family and friends.  It's still exciting to continue to travel.  We're once again reminded not to get too locked in to a particular destination because life's little twists and turns may change the plan...

Our departure preparations included a Whale wash and wax.  As Jerry was walking around the Whale to  check out progress, he discovered a split in the side wall of the back driver's side slide - about two inches long.  Eventually, enough water could seep in to rot the side of the Whale.  Our trip to the east coast of Florida via Charleston and Savannah have been scrapped for a return trip to Red Bay, AL.  This will be warranty work.  While in Red Bay, we will also get the engine serviced.

We will spend a week in Brown County, IN before heading to Red Bay.  Those reservations have been made for months, and it's on the way...  sort of.  We use to take a long week-end to Brown County every year.  It's one of our favorite places although the quaint town town area of Nashville has gotten way too commercial in recent years.  The Brown County State Park is gorgeous, especially in the fall with trees turning every shade of yellow, red and orange.  Crisp mornings, wood fires and long walks with the dogs will be the going fare for this next week.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Running the Gauntlet

While home our days are full of family, friends... and doctors' appointments.   Given our track record in the last 5+ years, it feels much like running the gauntlet.  When we talk to others who are thinking about living full time in their RV, health concerns are a very real stumbling block.  One conversation we just had recently went this way....  We don't think we can full time because we would have to go back home four or five time a year for medical care.  Of course all situations are different.  We can only speak from our personal experience.  Thus far what we have to deal with is manageable from other locations with doctors here calling the shots.

This trip home has given us the opportunity to spend time with new and old friends.  Time on the river, both the upper and lower St. Joe, with friends has been peaceful.  We have also been blessed to spend some time with friends we met in TX who are currently in MI.

The bulk of our time at home has been spent with puppy, Bella and our dog Maci.  I'd forgotten how time consuming puppies can be.

Next week is our last week here.  Next week we get a new windshield in the Jeep, a repair of the Whale windshield, wash and wax of the Whale and carpets cleaned.  In between all that the boat will be stored, the inside of the Whale gets totally wiped down, all pillows, covers and clothes are laundered, items get stowed, and all will be ready to pull out on Monday, Sept. 22.

We head to Muncie, IN for a couple of days for me to spend time on Ball State's campus.  Then we will spend a week in Brown County, IN.  We will head from there to the Smokies.  Then down the east coast to Charleston, Savannah, east coast of Florida before we head to TX for a month or two.

Unless, of course, doctors tell us otherwise...